What's Your Number?
1 : Planning
2 : Minds On
3 : Action
4 : Consolidation
There will always be scope to improve
Indicator: Students and staff communicate effectively and demonstrate ease with a variety of communication tools and methods.
Our School Environment
How do we ensure that members of the staff are able to model a variety of effective communication tools?
How do we ensure that staff members are able to help students learn and practise using a variety of effective communication tools?
How are staff members encouraged to routinely employ diverse modes of communication that support an inclusive culture?
How do we collaborate with support teams and agencies to access training in the effective use of communication devices?
Our Classrooms
What does effective communication look like in a classroom that values accessibility?
How can we incorporate a variety of communication methods into our everyday instruction to support a culture of accessibility?
Our Students
How do we know that all students have a way to communicate?
In what ways do students show that they are at ease in routinely employing diverse modes of communication that support an inclusive, accessibility-oriented culture?
How do students demonstrate their familiarity with a variety of communication protocols and use them in the classroom?
How do students demonstrate that they value and respect the importance of learning and using a diversity of ways to communicate?